Our Insights

Where have all the good women gone?

Where have all the good women gone?

We are delighted to say that the Dating Agency Association featured prominently in the Daily Mail this week, through our own Relationship Adviser, Trelawney Kerrigan, as journalist Rebecca Evans wrote about men fighting back from recent stinging criticism that single...

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Catfishing on UK dating sites – the DAA view

Catfishing on UK dating sites – the DAA view

On Tuesday 18th July Labour MP for Stockport Anne Coffey used an adjournment debate in Parliament to debate making the practice of 'Catfishing' - the stealing of someone's identity and using it online illegal. Unfortunately however - currently catfishing on UK dating...

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Finding a recommended dating agency in London

Finding a recommended dating agency in London

London is unique in terms of dating and holds a large percentage of the whole of the UK dating marketplace, particularly in the professional sector where using a matchmaker is more prevalent, so finding a recommended dating agency in London can be harder than around...

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Older age dating for those 50+

Older age dating for those 50+

In recent years one of the fastest growing sectors of the dating marketplace has been older age dating - those people aged 50-75 and a little beyond that in some instances. These 'older agers' or 'silver surfers' have realised that meeting someone and having a...

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Finding a dating agency for younger age groups 25-49

Finding a dating agency for younger age groups 25-49

"How do I go about finding a dating agency that specialises in younger age groups?", is one of the questions we get asked most frequently. And right up front we know that it isn't easy, as predominantly traditional personal introductions have been the domain for...

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Dating Safely – Instructions To Member Organisations

Dating Safely – Instructions To Member Organisations

In the light of the recent rape case and other very bad publicity for the Online Dating sector, such as the crime statistics related to online dating published by the National Crime Agency in February 2016, dating safely is right at the top of the agenda...

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New Chief Executive Appointment

New Chief Executive Appointment

Tina Wallace - New Chief Executive Officer - Dating Agency Association We are delighted to announce today that Tina Wallace has been appointed to the new position of Chief Executive Officer of the Dating Agency Association. Ms Wallace has more than 25 years of...

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Safer dating hints and tips

Safer dating hints and tips

One of our key roles as one of the leading voices in the UK on dating matters is to strongly promote safer dating. The last year was not a good one for online dating, with significant levels of criticism in the press and on TV and many ordinary people have become...

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Dating agencies’ busiest day of the Year

Dating agencies’ busiest day of the Year

Dating agencies in January receive more calls than in any other month and January 2nd is often their busiest day of all. It seems that Christmas and New Year, whilst often a period for celebration, can be a time for a little reflection too. Sadly Christmas can be the...

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