A Valentine’s Love Story
Why It’s Never Too Late To Begin Your Own Valentine’s Love Story As we get older, life can wear us down. The notion of finding love feels ever more unrealistic. As a consequence, it’s easy to become rather Scrooge-like about...
Where have all the good women gone?
We are delighted to say that the Dating Agency Association featured prominently in the Daily Mail this week, through our own Relationship Adviser, Trelawney Kerrigan, as journalist Rebecca Evans wrote about men fighting back from recent stinging criticism that single...
Catfishing on UK dating sites – the DAA view
On Tuesday 18th July Labour MP for Stockport Anne Coffey used an adjournment debate in Parliament to debate making the practice of ‘Catfishing’ – the stealing of someone’s identity and using it online illegal. Unfortunately however –...
Finding a recommended dating agency in London
London is unique in terms of dating and holds a large percentage of the whole of the UK dating marketplace, particularly in the professional sector where using a matchmaker is more prevalent, so finding a recommended dating agency in London can be harder than around...
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