Tina Wallace – New Chief Executive Officer – Dating Agency Association
We are delighted to announce today that Tina Wallace has been appointed to the new position of Chief Executive Officer of the Dating Agency Association. Ms Wallace has more than 25 years of experience within the dating industry and also has experience as a Plc director, so will bring a considerable degree of expertise and knowledge with her into the new appointment.
Ms Wallace will take over the day to day running of the organisation from Tony Bateson, the Chairman, who has been affected by recent family illness and will adjudicate on complaints where a resolution with a member company has not been possible.
Ms Wallace’s other duties will be to promote the Dating Agency Association to prospective new members and within the media. She will also promote our values and principles to ensure our organisation remains focused and driven towards our objectives, surrounding the growth, development and awareness of the Dating Industry within the United Kingdom.
Said Ms Wallace: “I am delighted to be appointed to this new role and firmly believe in what the Dating Agency Association stands for and why it was set up. We believe in tougher regulation of the industry and compulsory background checks for all whatever type of dating a potential new member chooses, particularly in the light of recent court cases, which did not reflect well on dating generally and online dating in particular. Our independence will also remain a cornerstone of all we do, as effective regulation in our eyes cannot happen where an organisation is only made up of representatives from member companies, who inevitably have a vested interest in the outcome of what happens – that is human nature.”
She continues “During my tenure in this role I would like to see the Dating Agency Association go from strength to strength, our aspirations remain to be the leading independent dating organisation in the UK.”
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